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  • Flipped classroom (Experiential learning) Poddar Business School Jaipur

    Flipped classroom (Experiential learning)

    A flipped classroom is an innovative teaching approach where traditional in-class activities and homework assignments are reversed. In a flipped classroom event, students typically engage with instructional materials, such as pre-recorded video lectures or reading assignments, before attending the class. During the in-person session, they actively participate in discussions, problem-solving, and collaborative activities, with the instructor facilitating and guiding the learning process. This approach encourages more interactive and personalized learning experiences.

    The activities and highlights of a flipped classroom event typically include:

    1. Pre-Class Preparation: Students are expected to review course materials before coming to the class. This may involve watching video lectures, reading textbooks, or completing online assignments.

    2. In-Class Collaboration: The classroom time is primarily focused on collaborative activities, discussions, and hands-on learning. This allows students to apply the knowledge they've gained during their pre-class preparation.

    3. Active Learning: Instructors create an environment that promotes active learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving. This often involves group work, case studies, debates, and other interactive exercises.

    4. Immediate Feedback: Students can receive immediate feedback from their peers and the instructor, which helps clarify any misconceptions or questions they may have.

    5. Teacher Facilitation: Instructors serve as facilitators, guiding discussions and providing additional insights. They can address specific challenges students face and tailor their instruction accordingly.

    6. Customized Learning: The flipped classroom approach allows for more personalized learning. Students can progress at their own pace and receive support where needed.

    7. Engagement and Motivation: Active participation in the learning process tends to increase student engagement and motivation, as they see the direct application of their knowledge.

    8. Technology Integration: Flipped classrooms often make use of technology for the delivery of pre-class materials and for interactive activities during class.

    9. Improved Retention: Research suggests that the flipped classroom approach can lead to better retention of information because students are actively engaged with the material.

    10. Time Efficiency: The approach can make better use of class time and reduce the need for passive lectures.

    Overall, the flipped classroom model aims to make learning more student-centered, engaging, and effective by optimizing the use of both in-class and out-of-class time.

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