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  • Business Conclave – 2024 (Day 5) Poddar Business School Jaipur

    Business Conclave – 2024 (Day 5)

    The fifth day of the Business Conclave was marked by insightful sessions led by prominent industry leaders. Participants were treated to a wealth of knowledge and expertise shared by Mr. Ankit Mehta, Group Head at Amazon, and Mr. Vishnu Sharma, DVP at HDFC Bank. The sessions were structured to provide attendees with valuable insights into the workings of two major corporations operating in distinct sectors.

    Session 1: Led by Mr. Ankit Mehta, Group Head at Amazon

    Topic: Innovative Strategies for E-commerce Dominance

    Key Points Covered:

    Market Trends: Mr. Mehta highlighted current market trends in e-commerce and elucidated how Amazon is strategically positioned to capitalize on these trends.

    Customer-Centric Approach: The session emphasized Amazon's relentless focus on customer satisfaction and the innovative strategies employed to enhance the customer experience.

    Technological Innovations: Participants gained insights into Amazon's cutting-edge technological innovations, including AI-powered recommendations and logistics optimization.

    Global Expansion: Mr. Mehta discussed Amazon's global expansion strategies and how the company navigates diverse cultural and regulatory landscapes.

    Session 2: Led by Mr. Vishnu Sharma, DVP at HDFC Bank

    Topic: Navigating Financial Landscapes: Insights from HDFC Bank

    Key Points Covered:

    Banking Sector Overview: Mr. Sharma provided an overview of the banking sector, focusing on the challenges and opportunities faced by financial institutions in the current economic climate.

    Digital Transformation: The session delved into HDFC Bank's digital transformation journey, highlighting the adoption of fintech solutions and digital banking services to meet evolving customer needs.

    Risk Management: Participants gained insights into HDFC Bank's robust risk management practices and regulatory compliance framework.

    Financial Inclusion: Mr. Sharma discussed HDFC Bank's initiatives aimed at promoting financial inclusion and reaching underserved segments of the population.

    Networking Opportunities:

    In addition to the informative sessions, participants had ample opportunities for networking and engaging in meaningful discussions with industry peers. The interactive nature of the conclave facilitated the exchange of ideas and fostered potential collaborations among attendees.


    Day 5 of the Business Conclave concluded on a high note, leaving participants enriched with valuable insights from industry stalwarts. The sessions led by Mr. Ankit Mehta of Amazon and Mr. Vishnu Sharma of HDFC Bank provided a comprehensive understanding of the e-commerce and banking sectors, respectively, and underscored the importance of innovation and adaptability in today's dynamic business landscape.

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